Transformation Collections

Third Date





Cliff and Ashley are two people in love, but Cliff has a transform-y affliction that he didn’t know about… one that is easily spread from person to person.

This collection includes the entire 20 page comic, in high resolution and resized. Also included is the rough concepts of each page, as well as the refined sketches and lineart. 100 files in total.

Digital download. Contains heterosexual explicit content, adults only.

A Transformation Tale



Meesh’s first transformation collection, with 13 unique images, each with high-res, low-res, prelims and scrapped ideas. 80+ images in total. Male human to male horse. Digital download, Explicit content. Adults only.

An American Werehorse



A 10-page transformation comic parodied from that one scene in An American Werewolf in London. High-res, low-res and preliminary versions of each page, 60+ images in total. Male human to male horse. Digital download, Explicit content. Adults only.

One Response to Transformation Collections

  1. I own all three of these comics and am something of a transformation connoisseur, so I can safely say these collections are the best horse transformation sequences I’ve seen. Meesh has the skill of a professional illustrator and it shows! I hope he’ll continue with more superb transformations and branch out to more species too.

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